Christian Unions in Reading

We do our best to help Christian students meet together in their schools. Week to week, we’re in lots of schools supporting young leaders or running the sessions ourselves. We also run training evenings three times a year for young leaders, building them up in confidence as they lead, plan and teach. More about each of those below.

Current Christian Unions

This list is not comprehensive as it only covers Christian Unions of which we’re aware.

  • Reading Girls’ – Mondays, lunchtime
  • Piggott – Mondays, after school
  • Willink – Tuesdays, lunchtime
  • The Abbey – Tuesdays, lunchtime
  • JMA – Tuesdays, lunchtime
  • Bulmershe – Tuesdays, after school
  • Langtree – Wednesdays, lunchtime
  • Kendrick – Thursdays, lunchtime
  • Little Heath – Thursdays, lunchtime
  • Theale Green – Thursdays, lunchtime
  • Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge – Thursdays, lunchtime

Student Leaders

We run student leader events three times a year, and we’d love you to come along! At all our meetings we have food and games, but here’s a bit more information about our focuses.

In the autumn, we focus on sharing. We talk about how to advertise our groups, session content that has worked well, and reflect on the past year. We encourage students to share what’s been good, bad, easy and difficult.

In the spring, we focus on training. We’ll have time to work on how to lead a Bible study or short talk. We’ll think about how to be inclusive of different denominations, and build assurance that the Bible is rightfully central to all that we do.

In the summer, we focus on planning. It’s an end of year celebration, especially for those moving on to further education! We’ll think about how to create term plans, and the identity & role of a Christian group in a school. Here, we rely on the wisdom of the older students with their experiences!

These events are for any students currently or who will be running a Christian Union or Discovery Club. Get in touch if you’d like to come along to our next one.